2 things I always do when I need a reboot in life

Take a deeeeeeeeep breath, right now.

When shit is hard, when you're going through it, and there is NO end in sight in the arduous task that is living life- there's only a few things you can really do.

1. Be in your feelings

If you're like me, this looks like crying every day for any reason from a package being stolen, to someone being nice to you after a long day, to just feeling the pain of trying so damn hard all the time and not yet bearing the fruits of your labor. (but seriously, seasons change, so will this cycle you're in)

There's absolutely no timeline on this, and it's actually the most incredible thing you can do if you want to move around your energy. Why? Because it puts you in RECEIVING MODE.

So often when you're in these stuck times, it's cuz you're pushing really hard, thinking you have to do it all, and the universe is like, "hold on, the system is set, time to run it now!" but you're still in the way trying to micromanage and perfect it- stopping it from running.

When you feel, you're receiving emotions. You're letting the system flow. You're slowing down and letting things happen. If you want guidance on this, check out my 3-part emotional intelligence masterclass, The Art of Feeling Your Feelings, here.

2. Remember who the fuck you are

You're not helpless. You're not a failure. You're not broken. You're not lazy. You're not "behind." You're not anything your critical brain wants to tell you when you're at your lowest points or when you don't feel like you're winning.

(watch this incredible 2 minute message about "failure" from NBA superstar Giannis here)

So who are you really?

If you're reading this, you're probably a really loving human, someone who cares deeply about what they do in this world and helping the people around them. You probably are deeply spiritual, yet hella pragmatic and aren't afraid to face the truth. You probably know you're meant to do more in life- not in the traditional society tells you to get all the material & status shit- but more as in fulfilling a soul purpose, achieving your heart's desires, and experience the abundance you deserve.

So take this message as permission to stop looking outwards- no more googling, "is this normal?" or complaining to your friends with no resolve, or beating yourself up for not being able to "figure it out"

Learn to hold space for yourself with non-judgement, compassion, and openness. Listen to the wisdom within your emotions and within your soul.

What if one perspective is the key to your soul's liberation?

Through 1:1 soul whispering and coaching, you'll be able to mine your inner wisdom to help you build a business that feels like a loving supportive relationship that you'd want to marry, maintain personal relationships that make your heart sing and your soul feel seen, and be able to support yourself through the ups and downs that come with life (and in being the hottest, baddest, most abundant bitch around )

I have a potent 6 month containers proven to increase your quality of life by 35% on average & lower your stress by 41% (proven with dozens of self reports from 1:1 coaching clients)

Book your first call & consultation here to feel more in control in your life in 60 minutes.


Golden handcuffs & the void we all feel


Your LIN-sanity Moment